First-class flooring services
Commercial Flooring Contractors
Our skilled Flooring Teams have installed flooring in some of the most prestigious venues in the UK, with a considerable amount of experience in dealing with all Flooring types. Our services can include everything from a minor repair to a new building Flooring Fit-Out; our experienced management team will be happy to thoroughly discuss your requirements and guide you on best practices making sure the solution we provide gets the job on time and within budget.

Armina Group provides a diverse range of construction, refurbishment, building maintenance services.
Working at every stage of the asset lifecycle across a wide range of estates – customers choose us because of our expertise, our focus on quality and safety, and our open and honest approach.
We have particular experience of working in ‘live’ operational environments – from the logistically complex community and commercial sites, through busy education and healthcare buildings through to the sensitivity of working in people’s homes. Our focus on understanding the objectives of our clients and the needs of residents and building users means we consistently exceed our clients expectations.